
Can’t Pay Your Bills? 7 Mindless Part-Time Jobs to Try

side hustle, part-time job, pay your bills, extra income
Are you having trouble paying off debt? Sometimes you can’t get around the fact that you need to make more money no matter how good you are at budgeting. Your income is just not enough to surpass your expenses. Particularly as a recent college grad. Your first few jobs will likely not allow you to live comfortably while paying off student debt and saving for a rainy day. And even entrepreneurs...

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Posted in: Career and Work, Money, Saving Money

3 Career Lessons I Learned When My Employer Dissolved

career advice, job advice, career lesson, job lesson, lessons at work
About 2 years ago, the fairly well-known company I worked for was sold right under our noses to its two major competitors. You see, my company was owned by Lehman Brothers and due to their stellar business ethics we were thrown into uncertainty. Here are the 3 career lessons I learned from the experience. 1. Be The Debby Downer Once Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, our company got to work applying...

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Posted in: Career and Work

5 Cheap Hacks to Prepare for a Baby in the Family

preparing for a baby, cheap stuff for baby, frugal living for a baby
I think we can all agree. Getting ready for baby is expensive for an entire family not just the parents. It takes a village right? Sure, the parents get a lot of stuff from a shower, but it’s really not in good taste to have a show for every baby. So what to do when you’re not willing to spend the bulk of your savings or income on procreating? Think outside the box and hack it! Because...

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Posted in: Family, Saving Money, Uncategorized

Why Your Job Title is Making You Miserable

miserable job, job challenges, job obstacle
It finally happened to me. I didn’t think the time would come – particularly this soon. After all, I’m only in my mid 20’s. Nevertheless, I found myself saying the old fogey phrase – “you’ll understand when you’re older” to my brother about a week ago when discussing career choices. He’s only three years younger than me mind you. Yet for the...

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Posted in: Career and Work
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