
Defining the greater goal

Find a Job You Love, career, opportunities,the greater goal, financial independence
The news that early retirement/financial independence advocate Jacob Lund Fisker is retiring from retirement and going back to work has got me to thinking; what is the point of all this? In deciding to work towards early retirement, a major motivator was the freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted to. To be free of the responsibility and obligation to show up at a certain place at a certain time...

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Posted in: Philosophy

Update: November 6 – 12

Signed up for Car2Go this week! Yes, I’m already a member of the Modo Coop, however I like to have options. The small differences in how car booking and billing works with both organizations makes some trips more economical with either organization, depending on what you need the car for. The gadgets are pretty cool with Car2Go as well – looking forward to checking it out. Photo credit:...

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Posted in: General

Mortgage transfer to TD Bank

Mortgage transfer, mortgage, real estate, property
Over the last month, we’ve been going through the process of transferring our mortgage from Vancity to TD Bank. Our five year term with Vancity is not due until 2015, and we pay three months interest in penalty to Vancity for breaking the terms of our mortgage. Why are we doing it? TD was able to offer us a rate that was 0.85% lower than Vancity. When you’re talking about a mortgage worth...

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Posted in: Money, Real Estate

Update: October 9 – 15

I’m off on a work trip to Washington DC tomorrow – they’re really having me travel a lot lately! I’m actually looking forward to the location this time around, I’ve heard good things about DC and I’m going to be catching a Washington Capitals game with a friend who lives in the area. Since I’m going to be away, we’ve been spending a lot of time rearranging...

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Posted in: General
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