
Social isolation

Social isolation, being alone, lonely, depression, cause of depression, anti-social
The Vancouver Sun has a new series of articles discussing social isolation in the big city. Studies have shown that feeling lonely or disconnected from your community and peers can have far-reaching negative effects on health. Having better bonds with your neighbours and community also provides a support network in times of need. With increasing avenues for electronic connectedness, are we losing...

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Posted in: Philosophy

Updates: June 17 – 23

CF and I were discussing this morning how great it is that we can harvest our herb garden whenever we like. It can be a challenge to have a garden when you live in the city, but we are really enjoying the fruits of our labor thus far, especially the watercress. On of my friends is part of an organization that works to turn old gas station land into community garden’s. He just opened up applications...

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Posted in: Weekly Updates

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