
Landlord tips: Extending the lease

Landlord tips, lease, tenants, renting
Good news! CF and I found out late last week that our tenants have agreed to sign on for another full year. This is great news and ensures that we won’t have to go through the process of finding new tenants for at least another year.   Photo Credit: Jess and Colin (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jessandcolin/2362586545/) Offer another full year As a tenant, when my initial year lease has ended,...

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Posted in: Home, Real Estate

Almost free emergency kits

say no, financial responsibility, borrowing money, lending money, debt, free emergency kits, emergency, catastrophe, survival kit, preparation
Here’s a quickie while I’m slaving away at probability homework: Brian and I have emergency kits that we keep at work which contain water, food, and a rudimentary first aid kit.  We have a larger “earthquake stash” but these are smaller, portable personal kits. For the container, we use large plastic bulk nut jars that I salvaged from the recycling pile and washed out. We fill...

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Posted in: Home, Life Hacks

Ode to a chef’s knife

chef's knife, kitchen knife, kitchen investment, kitchen equipment
My six year old chef’s knife broke yesterday during the making of shepherd’s pie.  It was a good knife while it lasted – $11 from London Drugs, but had superb balance and strength, was easy to sharpen, and had no issues with rusting or staining.  *Tear*  I’d like to blame the bf and his questionable culinary skills, but after a thorough post-mortem (it had a half CENTIMETER tang, if that!)...

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Posted in: Home, Money

Real estate update 2011

Real estate update, real estate, rental property, condo, renting out a property, property investment
Buying the first condo We bought our first condo at the age of 25, in March 2010.  Hard to believe, but even with the mortgage, strata, taxes and money set aside for maintenance, we were paying less for our condo per month than what we paid to rent in Vancouver! When we first bought the condo,  it was assessed at 210k. At the time, we paid 250k for it, 10k less than the asking price. We got our...

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Posted in: Home, Real Estate
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