
Why Fear of Missing Out Could Be Dangerous for Your Retirement?

You know, I never yelled, “YOLO,” once when it was a popular phrase. “You only live once,” was a phrase the kids used to say to before verbally inspiring themselves to perform ambitious stunts. It’s a dated phrase and I am struck by how the term spread like wildfire. It reminds today of how middle-aged people use terms like, “lit,” to perhaps feel young or culturally in-the-know. Or...

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Posted in: Career, Career and Work, Family, Health, Money, Personal Finance, Retirement, saving money, Saving Money

Sin City Set To Reopen Businesses On June 4

  On April 22, CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman about the city’s closing down in early March. In April, Mayor Goodman already began advocating for reopening. By the time of the CNN interview, where Mayor Goodman infamously offered up local residents as COVID-19 test cases for a cure, over 45,000 Americans had died. Now, as that number hits 100,000, local...

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Posted in: Business, Career and Work, Education, Entertainment and Leisure, Environment and Envrionmental, Family, Health, Money, Travel

I May Not Qualify As a Freelancer, But I’ll Try Unemployment

Have you heard about the “Murder Hornet?” It’s not enough that the coronavirus pandemic is encircling the globe. And its not enough that that over 30.3 million Americans are currently unemployed. (Or that the real estimate may be double that.) Additionally, it doesn’t seem like its enough that the pandemic, and preventative lockdowns, seem to have no end in sight. Now, we have murder hornets....

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Posted in: Career, Career and Work, Debt, Health, Money, Online Income, Personal Finance, Philosophy, Saving Money, saving money

No, I Won’t Inject Myself With Disinfectant to Fight Coronavirus

I want the coronavirus to be a hoax or imaginary more than the conspiracy theorists who peddle such garbage. Coronavirus is very real. This loss of personal control, and burgeoning terror, is driving people to believe in ridiculous panaceas. (And, expose themselves to serious medical and financial risk). I have close friends who tried to sell me on such. Coronavirus “Cures” As the coronavirus...

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Posted in: Health, Money, Personal Finance, Philosophy, saving money, Saving Money
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