
Updates: January 8 – 14

Winter is making a valiant effort to stick around for awhile on the West Coast. We had the unfortunate timing of heading home last night in the snow, except it wasn’t really snow. Picture big, floating drops of rain and wet pavement.

I advise sticking indoors and checking out these excellent articles!

  • Mr. Money Mustache explores The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement. The biggest take away I got from this article is the graph and table towards the end of the article. By focusing on individual savings rates, we don’t have to consider the actual values of how much someone earns. For each given savings rate, the table calculates how many more years you will have to work in order to retire and maintain the same standard of living indefinitely regardless of how much you actually earn. Very compelling information and draws heavily on math equations worked out in the Early Retirement Extreme book.
  • If you’re like me, you don’t like feeling regret. Tim Sullivan from GRS explains why we should not try and forget about our regrets, but use them to our advantage in the future. It’s a variation on ‘learn from your mistakes’, but a very good story and a convincing reminder.
  • CF is into the last term in her second degree, and has already started interviewing for jobs! Over the next few weeks, Penny Pinching Professional is looking at Career Fairs and how they can be useful at finding employment. CF’s department is quite good about providing these sorts of opportunities within her program, so I’m certainly a believer in them!



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