
My $1000 back to school budget

back to school budget, budget for college, budgeting
So I’ve been a little busy the last few weeks and neglecting the blog! One excuse – I’m back at the university full time to finish up the last year of my 2nd degree program. Going back to school without going back into debt meant massive savings and massive budgeting. Currently, I have enough saved to pay for tuition plus the next two months of living expenses. I have enough guaranteed...

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Posted in: Money

Updates: May 1-7

This week I started at my new on-campus job, paying me about 75% of what I had been making previously. Dark, dark times ahead… *ominous music* I took the job because I wanted to have a job on campus that was easily accessible while I was in classes. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve returned to classes to finish my final year in a second degree program. It’s a bag of mixed feelings....

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Posted in: Weekly Updates

Ode to a chef’s knife

chef's knife, kitchen knife, kitchen investment, kitchen equipment
My six year old chef’s knife broke yesterday during the making of shepherd’s pie.  It was a good knife while it lasted – $11 from London Drugs, but had superb balance and strength, was easy to sharpen, and had no issues with rusting or staining.  *Tear*  I’d like to blame the bf and his questionable culinary skills, but after a thorough post-mortem (it had a half CENTIMETER tang, if that!)...

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Posted in: Home, Money
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