
How to Use SEO to Boost Your Business

Why use SEO Search engine optimization (SEO) is the way to improve your website’s rankings in a online search. A higher ranking means your business site comes nearer the top of list of the search results displayed, and people are more likely to visit sites they find on the first few pages of the search. SEO in itself is big business – just search on Toronto SEO to find all the local companies...

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Posted in: Business

How to Negotiate Like a Pro

I recently relocated to a large city. One of the first things I learned while touring apartments, high rises, mid-rises, condos, and everything in between was this: Everything is negotiable. I never considered myself a savvy negotiator until I was signing my lease papers. As stated in my lease, I was paying $100 less each month than the advertised price, waiving $150 in “application” fees,...

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Posted in: Business, Career and Work, Saving Money

Organization Habits That’ll Make Your Business Insanely Productive

organization habits, productivity at work, business productivity, good business habits
An organized work space is a productive work space. I learned this first hand after working for two employers in the same industry whose organization habits were like night and day. My first company was neurotically organized, so much so that our personal offices were annually audited down to the location of our stapler. If something as small as a paperclip was out of place it could affect our overall...

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Posted in: Business, Career and Work, Life Hacks

How to Set Goals for 2015 When Your Past Resolutions Failed

set goals for 2015, new year resolution, goals for 2015
It’s that time of year again. One holiday down and the other’s are quickly approaching. We’re spending more money than usual on gifts, decor, and entertaining. Our clothes are slowly getting tighter from holiday party food binges. And the closing of another year inspires us to make resolutions. In the back of our minds we’re vowing to take control of our finances, weight, or...

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Posted in: Business, Career and Work, Life Hacks
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