
Airlines Probably Owe You $ For Disruptions – Know your Rights

How many of us have ever been delayed for a flight by an airline for multiple hours? And by multiple hours I mean over two or three? I have been flying for over 20 years and it has happened to me more than once. The helplessness that a passenger feels in such situations can be overpowering. Maybe we, as passengers, expect everything to go right when we enter an airport. But more often than not, they...

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Posted in: saving money, Travel

The Financial Weight of a Road Trip

It’s officially summer. I have never been on a road trip, but it is on my to-do list. And I am mean like a long-term, living in the van kind of road trip for two weeks or more. It’s one of those things that I hate putting off because it becomes harder to realize the older that I get. Also, a road trip adventure with friends or family is what summers are made for anyway. However, the more I crunched...

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Posted in: Travel

Traveler Wears 9 Lbs. of Clothing to Evade $85 Baggage Fee

Ever since I was 19, I have travelled to places like Hawaii, Australia, the former Czech Republic (now known as Czechia) Belgium, England, and a few other countries. I was so enthralled with assuming the identity of being a traveler, an adventurer, and someone willing to experience other cultures. Still, going to an airport is just a process of experiencing a system of open and hidden business transaction...

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Posted in: Saving Money, Travel

Deceptively Hidden Travel Fees to Watch Out For

What I am learning as I get older is that the real enjoyment that you get out of a vacation comes more from budgeting and not spending spontaneously. For most American family budgets, only about 2% is allocated for family vacations annually. The average cost for a family of four to go on a vacation is almost $5,000. Most domestic plane tickets cost about $400 while an international plane ticket costs...

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Posted in: Saving Money, Travel
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