
Countries Where you can buy a Second Passport

One of my favorite plot tropes in action films is when the agent/spy/hero goes to a safe deposit box in a secure location, pulls out numerous documents, the currency of multiple countries, and plots their next move. I would always imagine that it was I who was shuffling multiple passports of various countries and contemplating my next move. Well, you can’t own a dozen passports like Jason Bourne...

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Posted in: Business, Career, Career and Work, Life Hacks, Money, Personal Finance, Philosophy, Real Estate, Retirement, Travel

Retiring to a Developing Country? What Can Go Wrong

I think about retirement all the time. The average annual cost of living standard for a retiree is about $45,000. You can live in many states comfortably, like Alabama, Idaho, Kentucky, and Utah, for less than that annually. If you don’t live in states with large metropolitan hubs, then you should be OK. However, if you’re thinking about retiring to a developing country, then $45,000 a year can...

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Posted in: Money, Personal Finance, Retirement, Saving Money, Travel

5 Self-Employment Retirement Options

More and more people are becoming self-employed these days. While being self-employed has many benefits such as having more flexibility or freedom to choose your own schedules, working as much or as little as you want, etc., there are downsides to being self-employed as well. Self-employed people have to pay extra taxes unlike traditional employees do. Self-employment does not come with a regular...

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Posted in: Retirement

cFIREism Review

Do you know what a FIRE seeker is? No, it is not somebody that tries to track down flames! It stands for Financial Independence and Retire Early. Very few people, as hard as they try, are ever able to achieve this. This is because they do not really plan. Last week I mentioned my goal of becoming financially independent by the next 20 years. I’m 25 now so I would be shooting for 45. It’s...

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Posted in: Retirement
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