Melissa Weckert and her family are the most ordinary people; they are like most of us! However, how this family chooses to live their life is a topic that we are sure many people would be interested in knowing about. The evidently skyrocketing prices of power, food, and electricity have little to no impact on this family.
Why, you ask? Just because Melissa and her family have an entire backyard worth of trees and plants that grow their own vegetables and fruits.
Grocery shopping is a rare activity in their household. When they do leave the house for groceries or anything else, Melissa's husband drives their hybrid car. According to her, doing so means less plastic is used and leaves a small carbon footprint.

Lisa/Pexels | Driving a hybrid car is Melissa and Sam’s way to save plastic as well as leave the minimum amount of carbon footprint
They are a family from Hope Valley located in South Australia. Melissa, her husband Sam, and their little boy make a family of three. Because of their garden, they have developed a habit of eating according to the seasons, which means they have a healthy garden and better nutrition.
In the summertime, food items such as cucumbers and tomatoes are usually found at the dinner table. During the cold season, on the other hand, there is a lot of cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and some other vegetables that grow in winter.
All the products they grow at home have been extremely advantageous because the family barely feels any difference when there is a shift in the market prices of goods and services. Melissa has revealed how she feels grateful to have taken these steps in the past as a family. She also added that growing fruits and vegetables is a habit of hers. However, all of this was definitely not achieved overnight. Habits take time to build; it was back in 2016 when Melissa and Sam purchased a house and decided to live more sustainably.

Fauxels/Pexels | During wintertime, the Weckert’s dinner table is full of all kinds of greens such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts
The Garden
They have a huge backyard packed with over 35 kinds of vegetables and fruits. Moreover, they have eight chickens for the purpose of producing eggs. Melissa claims that her garden boasts many herbs, including tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchinis, cucumber, and a cherry tree.
A solar battery is what powers the family’s entire house. Instead of gas, it uses electricity and has rainwater tanks. They have also decidedly invested in insolation, such as honeycomb blinds and double-glazed windows.

ABC | Melissa's smile radiates her inner joy and peace for actively helping the environment
Melissa's story can inspire millions around the world to play their part.
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