
Should You Repair Your Old Car or Buy New?

fix old cars, Repair Your Old Car or Buy New
Unfortunately, no car lasts forever. There will come a time in your car’s life where you’ll have to ask the question: should you fix your old car or should you buy new? While there is no flat out yes or no answer to this question, there are some things you should think about. Fixing an Old Car Cars aren’t meant to be driven forever. And when your car starts having problems the frustrations begin. In...

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Posted in: Auto

5 Cheap Hacks to Prepare for a Baby in the Family

preparing for a baby, cheap stuff for baby, frugal living for a baby
I think we can all agree. Getting ready for baby is expensive for an entire family not just the parents. It takes a village right? Sure, the parents get a lot of stuff from a shower, but it’s really not in good taste to have a show for every baby. So what to do when you’re not willing to spend the bulk of your savings or income on procreating? Think outside the box and hack it! Because...

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Posted in: Family, Saving Money, Uncategorized

Why Your Job Title is Making You Miserable

miserable job, job challenges, job obstacle
It finally happened to me. I didn’t think the time would come – particularly this soon. After all, I’m only in my mid 20’s. Nevertheless, I found myself saying the old fogey phrase – “you’ll understand when you’re older” to my brother about a week ago when discussing career choices. He’s only three years younger than me mind you. Yet for the...

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Posted in: Career and Work

Three Documentaries on Poverty in America to Change Your Perspective

poverty in America, documentary, documentary on poverty
Have you ever had one of those days… When you feel a little down about your money situation? When you feel less positive about reaching big financial goals? Or envious of the career or income of someone around you? I think it’s safe to say we’ve all been there at least once – felt that sense of self-doubt that everyone else is doing well and you’re just getting by. After all,...

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Posted in: Money
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